
PP2 project: Change

This is a big work spend lots of time on it.Since last year I took photos for this topic is the last working week for the Beijing Capital iron and steel enterprise. After some day I got the message from my friend who is working in the project called Change.The city change in every moment, maybe good, maybe bad.  Someone happy,someone sad. I tried to talk to the editer of the local magzine about my idea for the project.

I want to still report the moving of Beijing Capital iron and steel enterprise and try to contract someone else can help me to take photo inside the factory.(because after Jan 2011,the factory not allow anybody go inside)
I want to report the story of this moving iron and steel city for three periods.First, Last working day of the Beijing Capital iron and steel enterprise before move.This scence will never reappear again.From 1919-2009,this factory like a city,it's floor space are 1620 thousand sq. m. There are 80 thousand people work in here.

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From Jan 2011,this 90 years old big iron and steel city declared stop production and move out of Beijing city.The whole place become quite and deserted.
Its future has not been determined,but it may become another ART WORLD.

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More and more factory are move out of the city because of the environment pollution and shortage of location.But what will substitute them? Autoeciousness become more and more polular in the city side. They save the valu of the history and become a sign of Art.

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The change will not stop never.All we can do just made the change better.

In this project I use three different tone and hue to translate the story.Use black and white film photo to explaim the change is history. The history of the factory ,people who work and lived there and the pollution.Give the audience the feeling of pass. And use low saturation to report the recentry of the factory.People trying do something to solve the problem of pollution,try to change. The busy factory in the olden days become lost. Everyone follow the future of this big factory closely,what it will be? More and more uptown?refuse site?or another Art area like 798 in Beijing. All the media suppose that the factory become a big Art world is the best way for saving the valu of the history. We can see the picture of 798,all the studios ,art,exhibition room sojourn on the old factory which stop prodution several years ago. The designers make the place viable but still keep the factory as it come.

